Can we please have a moment of silence for my dignity? It
died this week at work… on a toilet seat… much like Elvis did. Only there were
no drugs involved. In fact, there was no toilet paper involved either, and
that’s exactly where this week’s story
You see, when I’m at home, I accept that there’s never
toilet paper when I need it. Though I buy it once a week and restock each
bathroom in our house every weekend, for some reason there is never a square to
spare when I'm in the loo. The roll is either as barren as Carthage or has a single,
tattered remnant of hope still glued to the cardboard.
But that’s not the point. The point is that you don’t expect
that to happen at work. You don’t grab a roll on your way to the bathroom,
“just in case.” Nor do you do a little recon before you “drop trou.” You assume
that everyone has done their part. In other words, both you and the toilet
paper roll are completely covered. Worse than that, at home, at least you have
options: Kleenex… paper towels… packing tissue. I’m not proud, but I am honest,
and there are days that the cocktail napkins in the kitchen drawer should be
grateful they dodged a bullet. At work,
your only option is to twerk like Miley Cyrus to elevator music and hope you can
actually drip dry with some modicum of success… which is precisely what I did.
However, before I can tell you that part of the story, I
have to tell you this part first.
At the risk of blaming the victim, I should say that there
was, indeed, some toilet paper on the roll when I walked into the stall. Not
enough to line the seat, per se, about twenty to thirty squares, but definitely
enough to take care of business. So there I was… jeans around my Dr. Martens… peeing…
when I reached for the toilet paper… and accidentally
pulled the entire roll with its holder off the wall. Yes. Really. The
toilet tissue literally flew across my lap, landed on the floor, and proceeded
to unravel as it rolled all the way to the restroom sink… while I helplessly watched
in abject disbelief and horror.
It’s times like these I wish I had more middle fingers so
the universe knew exactly how deeply I wanted it to fuck off. Anyway, in the
spirit of full disclosure, I’m not sure what happened next. I like to think that
by repressing it, I actually found some dignity. Note: If no one claims it within twenty-four hours, I’m keeping it.
Talk to you later.